Image by sonson via Flickr
It's been crazy in Los Angeles for the past several days. I've torn myself away from the television and the continuing updates about the Station fire burning in the Angeles National Forest to complete the last entry for my daily blogs in the month of August on tomorrow. And, in case you were wondering, I am hoping that tomorrow I wake up and the fire has spared all the homes in its path as well as the observatory and all the transmission towers on top of Mt. Wilson.
So back to the task at hand:
Where Will I Find Myself Tomorrow? - 8/15/09
I had an ah-ha moment after writing this post. I realized that using self-help strategies to manage my chronic pain and chronic fatigue is self-discipline in action. I also realized that I am currently employing a lot of self-discipline on a daily basis. Perhaps my struggle to add more tasks right now is more about being taxed and not having extra self-discipline for something new.Tomorrow's Forecast: Fog On Coolidge Avenue? - 8/16/09
I definitely think this was a sign that I was doing too much. My body is highly reactive and responds to being outside the energy envelope by increasing symptoms: physical, cognitive or both.I Need Tomorrow to Recover From The Weekend... - 8/17/09
Did I just admit that I don't enjoy the weekends as much anymore?!?!? Sadly, it is true.The Energy of the Future Comes to My Rooftop Tomorrow - 8/18/09
The Energy of the Future Gets Switched On After an Inspection Tomorrow - 8/20/09
I am happy to report that we finally passed the Building and Safety inspection on August 25th. Verengo came out again today, August 31, to put the final touches on the system. I am happy to report that we are good to go. Now we just have to wait for the official approval from LADWP to switch our system on. (In the meantime, with the fires and possible energy interruptions and conservation alerts, we decided to "test" the system over the next few days to lessen our impact on the grid.)God Laughs and I Change My Plans for Tomorrow - 8/19/09
In retrospect, it seems I really stepped out of my energy envelope more than usual in August. I headed off a flare-up by adding extra rest and downtime the next day after I read the warning signs. I guess if I couldn't prevent the problem, reacting quickly to prevent it from getting worse is a good back up skill to possess.I'm Taking Many Small Steps Towards Tomorrow - 8/21/09
I really like this quote and I behooves me to remember it. And how did those Chinese ancestors know that, when you have chronic illness like I do, trying to get a lot done leads to flare-ups and setbacks?:“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”
Tomorrow is My Birthday and I Have Just One Wish - 8/22/09
Happy, Happy Birthday to Me Today ... and Looking Forward to More Presents Tomorrow - 8/23/09
Through my birthday wish, powered by Causes on Facebook, I raised $70 for The Gerald E. Keerbs Memorial Fund. The good news is I don't mind belated birthday greetings, so you still have time to fulfill my birthday wish by making your own contribution by the end of the month of August (hint, hint.) 100 Words on Tomorrow - 8/24/09
I relish the wisdom of the universe. Since I wrote this post, there have been seven more tomorrows. I am looking forward to many more...Chronic Illness Will Be a Part of All My Tomorrows - 8/25/09
I reached acceptance with this post.Perhaps Tomorrow I'll Think About the Long-Term - 8/26/09
Then I realized that I have been ignoring an important part of my life: my long-term dreams, hopes and plans. I found this inspiring quote after I wrote this post:"Long-range goals keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures."
- James Cash Penney
What will motivate me to get out of bed tomorrow morning? - 8/27/09
I had some fun composing this "top ten" list of motivators. (Numbers one and two remain steadily at the top.)What? It's Friday? I thought Friday was tomorrow! - 8/28/09
Didn't this month just fly right by? How can it be September tomorrow?And finally...
30 Things About My Invisible Illness You May Not Know Today, But Will Remember Tomorrow - 8/29/09
Wish me luck! By completing this meme I was entered into a contest to win a fabulous prize from Invisible Illness Week. Find out more about National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week and the 5-day free virtual conference with 20 speakers Sept 14-18, 2009 at August. I'll miss your sweet promises of another summer day tomorrow. See you again next year...