Image by diebmx via Flickr
Welcome back to Fulfillment Fridays! I am so excited that I have connected my list of six weekly priorities to this weekly blog post, because it means that I get to feel good about getting things done and show you that even a ChronicBabe can accomplish goals and targets; yes I can! This also aligns with my new goal to celebrate what has been done, instead of always looking at the multitude of things that are waiting to be done.
I believe that focusing on success creates momentum for a person to continue on and achieve even more success. Success is a solid foundation you can build on. I mean, how people can build their lives up by focusing on their failures? While failures can teach us lessons and point us in a better direction for next time, it the successes that help us build the life we want to live. Hopefully, there are more successes to build with than failures to learn from at the end of each week.
Building my best life despite chronic illness is what Fulfillment Fridays are all about.
Here are my accomplishments for the week:
- Went for my annual mammogram on Tuesday.
- Saw a new rheumatologist and didn't feel upset when he treated the appointment as a consultation only and clearly didn't want to take me on as an ongoing patient.
- Reinvented the concept of a daily list of six priorities into a fibro-friendly weekly list of six priorities.
- Completed another week of daily blog posts.
- Avoided symptom flare-ups this week by focusing on extra rest.
- Caught up on some of my emails (which is a work-in-progress).
- Watered my container garden on a Monday and Thursday schedule.
- Completed my activity logs so I can continue on with my Workwell Foundation exercise consultation.
- Pondered ways to motivate myself to get the household cleaning and chores completed and make them more fibro-friendly (which is a work-in-progress). Thanks to my online friend Lisa who sent this advice to me today and shared that she is struggling with the same dilemma,
"Self-discipline is remembering what you REALLY want. When you can consistently remind yourself in loving ways what you REALLY want, you will fulfill your dreams." ~The FlyLady
- Took a chance and submitted my blog for the August 12th edition of the Patients for a Moment blog carnival.
- Responded to the ChronicBabe call for a writer living with fibromyalgia for a new project being developed there. I mentioned by blog as my writing sample ... I hope Jenni was impressed and I am considered for the gig!
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