Image by Swamibu via Flickr
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”Today is Fulfillment Friday, my favorite day of the week. As the quote above suggests, today is about counting all the small steps I made this week toward my targets and goals. How did those Chinese ancestors know that, when you have chronic illness like I do, trying to get a lot done leads to flare-ups and setbacks? Maybe they are the ones I should credit with writing the Golden Rule of Chronic Illness: If I push, I will pay. If I pace, I can play.
Here are all the small steps I was able to take this past week:
- Sent my activity and heart rate logs to Meg at The Workwell Foundation. Next step is to set up my follow-up consultation with her to discuss what reasonable and appropriate exercise looks like for me. You can look forward to a more detailed post about The Workwell Foundation and their philosophy for helping persons living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome next week.
- Met with my neurologist and discussed trying Savella for my fibromyalgia. I'm nervous about side-effects, but I think I am going to give it a try. Look for a post about starting Savella in the coming week or so ... I need to schedule some downtime (i.e., no appointment or commitments outside the home) before I get started.
- My self-help skills paid off when, on Wednesday, I was able to recognize the signs that I was overdoing it and headed for a flare-up. I took action by scheduling extra rest and rescheduling my plans for Friday.
- I pondered some more about the art of self-discipline and made the connection that employing self-help techniques to manage my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms is all about applying self-discipline to my life.
- I recognized that the weekends are disrupting my routine. I am also wondering if this contributed to the fibro-fog I experienced earlier in the week. My next step: observe what happens this weekend, look for a pattern and explore what I can do minimize the impact of going off schedule during the weekend.
- Discovered that I am mentioned at the web site of the Worldwide Association for ME/CFS Awareness and Research under Resources: ME/CFS Bloggers. Cool!
- Wrote a post to my blog every day.
- My blog post Tomorrow I See a New Doctor was featured in the Grand Rounds Blog Carnival at
- I applied to be part of another blog carnival for this upcoming week. It will be published on Monday, August 24, so stay tuned (finger-crossed.)
- I also networked with the Blood Cancer Examiner and learned about freelance writing positions at the web site. I applied to become a Los Angeles examiner, although after the tips I received from Cathy, I think I may be reapplying.
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