
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Setting My Priorities for Another Week of Tomorrows

Eye SpyImage by Laura Burlton via Flickr

Feeling energized from Fulfillment Friday, I am ready to face the challenge of another week. It's time to stop and think about the important things I want to get done this week. It's time to set some goals and targets.

As I discussed earlier in the week, I made the concept of a list of six daily priorities into the more fibro-friendly list a six weekly priorities. I felt so discouraged when I was faced with the prospect on Monday of having to admit I couldn't get everything done on the daily to do list I posted on my blog the day before. So I took as step back and on my day of pausing realized that I was being too hard on myself. Then I remembered the structure of the continuation group I participated in from the CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self Help group: we only posted targets once a week! It clicked that a daily to do list at this point in my life is too ambitious. A daily to do list sets me up for failure. So I learned and remembered and, refocused on success, I adjusted accordingly.

Being chronically ill means I need to be flexible and understanding of my limits. It means living with the unexpected, being O.K. with a sudden change in plans and learning to go with the flow. My best laid plans often go unexecuted, especially when I have a flare-up in my symptoms. Type A personality traits and chronic illness don't work.

I'm learning the lessons of patience and delayed gratification. After all, if I can't be patient with myself, how can I expect anyone else to be patient with me?

So here I go:

  1. Submit a writer's resume, cover letter and writing clips for the ChronicBabe "fibro writer" opportunity.
  2. Submit my logs detailing activity, heart rate and perceived exertion to Meg at the Workwell Foundation via email.
  3. Think more about my motivation to keep my home clean and complete chores around the house with this quote in mind:
    "Self-discipline is remembering what you REALLY want. When you can consistently remind yourself in loving ways what you REALLY want, you will fulfill your dreams." ~ The FlyLady
  4. Incorporate more rest into my daily routine.
  5. Continue to catch up on my emails from the CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self Help group.
  6. Spend time each day writing a blog post on the August theme of tomorrow.
I'm ready now with my goals and targets for another week. Hoping for one part good luck and taking control with three parts good self-maintenance (my coping strategies, my lifestyle adjustments and my willingness to experiment with different self-help approaches) I am ready for tomorrow.

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