In the spirit of National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, I want to share with you my symptoms of fibromyalgia and what works for me so you can be aware of how this syndrome is affecting me and what I do to cope with it.
Every day I deal with:
- widespread muscle pain
- muscle spasms
- stiffness in the muscles and joints, especially in the morning
- muscle and joint aches with tender and trigger points
- numbness and tingling in the hands
- severe and debilitating fatigue
- sensitivity to weather and temperature changes
- sensitivity to some scents and chemical odors
- sensitivity to medications
- sensory overload and over stimulation, especially in crowds or noisy/busy environments
- insomnia
- sleep apnea
- disturbed sleep patterns
- unrefreshed sleep
- heart palpitations
- dizziness
- reduced tolerance for exercise
- chronic headaches
- memory problems
- communication difficulties
- Resting when needed
- Sleeping as well as possible at night
- Taking medications (over-the-counter and prescription) as needed
- Being aware of how much energy I have each day and scheduling my activities accordingly: pacing, planning, saying no, rescheduling as needed
- Doing something fun every day
- Making activities "fibro-friendly", i.e. gardening becomes fibro-friendly container gardening
- Following the Golden Guideline: Pace = Play, Push = Pay
- Limiting social activities outside the home to no more than once a week
- Making my home a quiet sanctuary
- Seeking help from others when needed
- Finding a balance between treating my chronic health problems and living my life; learning to live my best life despite chronic illness
- Finding a balance between being open to trying new things to treat my health problems and living within a budget; setting up trial periods to evaluate if something is working and stopping if I am not getting any benefits
- Praying
- Making a "NOT TO DO" list and delegating tasks I really have no business doing in my condition
1 comment
THIS IS AWESOME! It is so hard to begin a "new" life. I am still one of those push - pay people and right now this pay period has been almost a month. It is not worth it. Keep fighting my friend.
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