
Friday, May 22, 2009

Fulfillment Friday

It's Friday again and you know what that means ...

another edition of Fulfillment Friday!

  • completed another seven days of blog-a-day posts
  • finished planting seeds from Renee's Gardens into the seed starter (yeah!). I can see sprouts from the Thompson & Morgan seeds I planted the week before...
  • remembered a weekend Urgent Care clinic in Marina del Rey when I needed a doctor's care last Saturday; got in and out in under 30 minutes (WOW!)
  • took my twice-a-day antibiotic on time for the last seven days---three days left!
  • researched and added a couple of extra self-care steps in my efforts to combat sinusitis: steam inhalation with Olbas oil added to the hot water, nasal washes using ALKALOL in the neti pot, consistent use of Mucinex
  • mailed off insurance claims for visits to the chiropractor
  • mailed off a return of an M-Edge Kindle book light that was defective; awaiting the Summer 2009 debut of the version 2.0 of the light which is advertised as "new, improved, and redesigned with customer feedback from the first version." By the way, this company has GREAT customer service!
  • finally learned how to use the Polar heart rate monitor I bought a few months back; will use it to more effectively pace myself. You can read more about the concept here: Pacing by Numbers: Using Your Heart Rate To Stay Inside the Energy Envelope
  • had a conversation with someone close about a difficult topic. It's a conversation that I had been dreading to have for the last month or so. Not sure what the outcome will be, but glad I finally summoned the courage and got it off my chest.
  • scheduled a hair cut appointment for tomorrow. Browsed the Internet and put together and printed a hairstyle photos sheet to bring with me to the appointment.

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1 comment

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Great job at getting so much accomplished. You have not only given me inspiration but also a big smile!