My Routine---Keep it simple; simple is sufficient = KISSIS
Today I am focused on KISSIS (pronounced kisses)---keep it simple; simple is sufficient! I finished answering the 4 questions posed in my post Can Routine Help Me Manage My Fibromyalgia? Those questions were:
What are my present pain and fatigue levels?
What have I learned so far about minimizing these symptoms?
Are my social interactions satisfying?
Am I allocating my time optimally to perform health maintenance, do home chores, have a family/social life, and engage in satisfying hobbies?
I experienced an "ah-ha" moment when it clicked that I can be active 2 to 4 hours a day and simply need to keep a running tab each day to stay within this limit. I acknowledged that My Personal Rules and my "Not To Do" list help me manage my symptoms. Though my current situation is not ideal, I have learned to adapt and manage to have a small and simple social life status post chronic illness. And finally, I need to learn to better allocate my time so I have fun AND get some household chores done too.
Now the task at hand is to NOT to get all crazy and slip into information-overload, which is all too easy to do, then get frustrated, start feeling lost and give up. Aargh! Chronic illness sucks! With a brain that doesn't function optimally, a pain-and-fatigue-induced short attention span and not a lot of activity time during the day, I need to keep it simple...
So my first order of business is to start tracking my daily activities and keep it consistently within the 2 to 4 hour limit. My second task is to simplify My Personal Rules, which I will work on tomorrow. So until then ... KISSIS!
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