
Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Fourth of July Routine

Fireworks 04
I hope you all had a great 4th of July. I got a laugh on Twitter yesterday when someone on Twitter from the USA was talking to @problogger, who lives in Australia, about him celebrating the 4th of July. He explained that the 4th was an American holiday, not a worldwide one. Can you believe that an American didn't remember that the 4th of July is about American independence?

Since I am blogging about routine this July 2009, I thought I'd share my 4th of July routine with you.

Since becoming disabled in 2004,
going out into crowds and the elements---heat, cold, wind and weather---has been near impossible for me without a lot of pre-planning and scheduled rest before, during and after the event. So instead of battling the crowds at the Hollywood Bowl, the park or in Marina del Rey, Robert and I celebrate at home, Tivo-ing A Capitol 4th on PBS, the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks on NBC and the Boston's 4th of July Celebration on CBS. A Capital 4th featured The Muppets and Barry Manilow this year and is repeating on KCET Los Angeles Sunday July 5th at 1 PM.

It was important we stayed ho
me this year, since we needed to ascertain if our new dog Theodor is afraid of fireworks, which have been sporadically going off for several days now in our neighborhood. Robert says more people are setting off their own fireworks this year because budget cuts have caused the cancellation of several local municipal fireworks shows. Maybe next year we'll try the Hornblower Dining Yatchs' 4th of July fireworks cruise in Marina del Rey for a change, to see if it is a fibro-friendly 4th of July alternative.

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