Today I am taking a few quiet moments to reflect on my blessings. This Thanksgiving, I find myself feeling the most thankful for being a blogger/writer.
I started blogging as a way to better communicate with family and friends about my ongoing health problems beyond the somewhat impersonal en-mass e-mail. I wanted to create a place to receive updates from me that anyone could access from anywhere, whenever they wanted. I wanted to give everyone a choice rather than another e-mail to read (or delete.)
I truly had no idea that, by blogging, I would be joining a community. In this past year of active blogging and participation in the patient blogger community, I have experienced:
- support and encouragement to become a better writer
- opportunities for friendship
- encouragement and feedback from readers
- writing inspiration from other people's posts and comments
- collaborations through blog carnivals and blogging events
- and many, many other benefits
To show my appreciation to all my friends, I created a Twitter daily newspaper over at which I have titled The Chronic Friend Daily.
My newspaper highlights the work of many of my fellow chronic illness/patient bloggers each and every day. I have tried hard to ensure that all my blogging friends are part of my newspaper. However, if you are a chronic illness blogger who is also on Twitter and I have overlooked you, please forgive me and bring it to my attention so I can add you too! (Make sure you are on my blogroll too please.)
I am grateful for this new purpose in my life, a purpose that is fibro-friendly, i.e. fits well with my life with fibromyalgia.
1 comment
I have both :)
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