
Thursday, November 4, 2010

25 Adjectives I Would Use to Describe Myself

Persian SmileImage via Wikipedia
I'm a little late to the party, but I still want to play this game!

Fragile Annie at It's Time to Get Over How Fragile You Are first played back in June 2010 and I found that Elisabeth over at Redefining Good played last June too.

So here is the OMA&P! version of 25 Adjectives I Would Use to Describe Myself Right Now.

  1. Flared-up
  2. Tired
  3. Sore
  4. Achy
  5. Sleepy
  6. Zonked
  7. Clumsy
  8. Frustrated
  9. Lonely
  10. Struggling
  11. Scattered
  12. Bewildered
  13. Behind
  14. Fumbling
  15. Hopeful
  16. Smart
  17. Thoughtful
  18. Strong
  19. Plucky
  20. Honest
  21. Brave
  22. Real
  23. Grateful
  24. Fortunate
  25. Happy

Let's keep this meme going. Add your 25 adjectives here in a comment, over at the OMA&P! page on Facebook or post them on your blog (be sure to leave a link to your post here so we can visit you.)

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1 comment

Jessica said...

I wanted to share my list with you: