Treating fibromyalgia can be frustrating.
When medications and treatments prescribed by your doctor don't provide the relief you are seeking, you may be tempted to try alternative medicine and supplements. Medical insurance doesn't cover many of these options, but perhaps you've convinced yourself that paying out-of-pocket just proves how committed you are to getting better.
Before you jump in head first, I suggest doing your homework.
Let's take, for example, d-ribose made by a company called Corvalen that costs about $50 for a one month supply. D-ribose is a supplement that is being touted as something that can help fibromyalgia-related fatigue. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, a big name in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, even recommends this product. Only problem: this supplement had not been scientifically tested to determine if it works any better than a sugar pill according to the independent Fibromyalgia Network Treatment and Research News.
Have you heard of Fibroboost® or Fibronol®? Well apparently the company that makes Fibronol wants you to believe that their supplement has been proven in clinical trials. On the Fibronol web page, they provide a link to a Google docs document that looks an awful lot like a scientific journal report. But it doesn't appear to have been published in a peer-review medical journal, which is the gold standard for the medical and scientific community. Once again, the independent Fibromyalgia Network has more to say about this deceptive advertising practice.
Now that I have pointed out some of the problems with finding supplements for the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms, let me share with you some sound advice.
I trust the Fibromyalgia Network. Why? They don't accept money in the form of advertisements, endorsements or grants from pharmaceutical or supplement companies. This allows them to be independent, objective and honest. They strive to publish up-to-date and relevant information culled from medical journals, conferences and interviews with top medical professionals in the field of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Their organization is supported by membership fees. Membership includes a quarterly journal, monthly enews alerts and a toll-free support line.
For free, you can access their list of potentially helpful supplements. All have been the subject of varying degrees of scientific research, with the top three, magnesium, malic acid and Vitamin B complex, having the most recognized benefits. Best of all, this list of 12 supplements have the potential to give you the most bang for your buck without bankrupting you.
The bottom line: be careful and do your homework. If you are confused or too tired, seek out the help of a trustworthy organization like the Fibromyalgia Network that can help you sift through the clever claims and crazy hype to get to those things that are proven to really help.

One thing is for sure: if you want to get the most effective and helpful supplements, you can't rely on just trials done in fibromyalgia. You'll have to know what the supplements actually do and if they've been shown helpful in similar conditions. A good example is lipoic acid, which is one of the best things you can take. Or DL-phenylalanine.
Oh? What proof do you have that lipoic acid or DL-phenylalanine help with fibromyalgia???
Thanx for this bc I am newly diagnosed, and not one for taking reg. prescription med.s unless absolutely needed, it's nice to find a site that isn't just out to get money, and not actually help the person!
That is great help in the light.There are so many drugs in the market good to know the latest that are available and the review whether they are working well.
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