
Friday, March 12, 2010

A Weird Thank You to the Universe

peanut butter chocolate cupcake from Grand Cen...Image by Chris Blakeley via Flickr

On the suggestion of one of my friends, I signed up for this daily email called Notes from the Universe. The other day I got this note:

When something difficult or painful happens, Selena, always look to see what it makes possible that wouldn't have otherwise been possible.

Like a new adventure, a closer friendship, or chocolate in your peanut butter.

Everything makes you better,

The Universe

O.K., so first I chuckled and then I thought. You know what? I actually came up with a list of things that are part of my life now because I became disabled by my chronic illnesses, thus proving the adage When one door closes, another opens. So here are my new open doors, courtesy of my life with chronic illness:
  1. Container gardening.
  2. Writing and blogging.
  3. Freedom from the demon 'multi-tasking.'
  4. Bird watching.
  5. Owning a dog.
  6. Turning a feral kitten into a house cat.
  7. Knifty (loom) knitting.
  8. Watching all the great programming on PBS.
  9. Enrolling in a writing class.
  10. Attending a book group.
Oh, and I have also met and/or reconnected with some very interesting people in the past 5 and 1/2 years too. People I might not have had the pleasure to meet and interact with if I was busy, busy, busy living my old life. Some important people too, who educated me about the need for ongoing medical follow-up because I am a long-term cancer survivor.

It is with the benefit of time that I can see the new possibilities my difficult and painful new life with chronic illness has brought me. So thank you, Universe, for the new opportunities. Who knows how many more discoveries I will make!

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Annie said...

These are all awesome things!

I wish I could join a book club in my area :)

Pink Doberman said...

I love your list! Blessings!! Tonja