Image by orangeacid via Flickr
It's time again for another edition to the Patients for a Moment (PFAM) blog carnival, this time hosted by Vladimir at He asked the question:
My question is about adapting - the ol' "bend but don't break." If you have a chronic illness, you may not be able to pursue the goals you'd have if you were healthy. My question therefore is, "how have you learned to adapt around your illness in order to accomplish things that are important to you - even though your illness may prevent you from achieving the goals you had before you got sick?"
And here is my answer:
Selena can't "just do it" anymore. Dealing with doctors who don't get it hasn't been fun, but she's shrunk down her ambitions and she's found ways to remain active in ways that her illness allows. Getting a dog has helped her to continue taking walks and do milder forms of exercise than before she was ill: "Just Do It"--The Cure for Fibromyalgia?
But hey, but don't just take my word for it. Check out all the patient bloggers featured in this edition of PFAM by clicking here: PFAM 20 Adapting Around Illness. Plus Vladimir asks us all to sign up and check out Well Book while we are there. It's a site full of helpful health tracking tools, support, advice and motivation.
If you are a fellow blogger, consider joining the PFAM carnival. Get the scoop on how you can participate by visiting the PFAM website.
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