
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blast From My Past: Social Security Benefits Help

Social Security Lips?Image by Aric Riley via Flickr

I finally got around to cleaning up my older posts that I imported from AOL Journals in 2008. With my recent rush to complete my Social Security continuing disability review, I decided to repost this entry from 4/9/2006. Qualifying for Social Security is a grueling process and I urge you to get help. Reputable benefits counselors and attorneys get paid out of your first check and the amount they are entitled to is set by Social Security. I used Jacques Chambers and I highly recommend him. He is able to work with anyone in the United States.


Hello there,

I feel bad that I have so little good news to share with you about my situation, since my health does not seem to be improving. So when I got this news on Friday, I knew I had to share this with you...

I just found out that my application for Social Security Disability has been approved. It is going through the final paperwork finalization and then I will receive my first check -- not sure when, but it is coming... And I believe that I am actually going to get back benefits to October 2004, which would be very nice indeed.

I am a little surprised that I was approved so quickly; I was approved in a little over 5 months, which is good for the Federal Government. The books I have on fibromyalgia say that it is not uncommon to get turned down the first time you apply....

I attribute my success to some help that I sought from someone I met when I worked in the HIV/AIDS field. I used the services of Jacques Chambers, a benefits consultant. You can check out his services at www.helpwithbenefits.com.

Nationwide Toll-Free Number
(888) 739-2595

Local Telephone Number
(323) 665-2595


Regular (Snail) Mail:

Chambers Benefits Consulting
Jacques Chambers, CLU
2658 Griffith Park Blvd. #290
Los Angeles, CA 90039-2520

Jacques (pronounced zhak and rhymes with “doc”, like Jacques Cousteau) has spent the last ten years helping people dealing with disabilities understand and access their benefits. Prior to that he spent twenty-five years in the insurance industry, designing, selling, and servicing employee benefits programs.

I am happy that I have some good news to share (although I'm still processing mentally and emotionally what this says about my health situation).

All for now,


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