Last Thanksgiving I attempted and succeeded at cooking a whole turkey in my crockpot, as well as two side dishes. (I have three crockpots total--definitely not something I need from Santa this year!) After all the cooking, I needed a long winter's nap because all that hard work flared up my fibromyalgia...
This year, I wanted to go out to eat, but it is really hard to find a restaurant that serves a good Thanksgiving meal without spending a lot of money.
Thankfully, on a trip to Trader Joe's, I discovered their cornucopia of heat-and-eat options for our holiday feast. Usually heat-and-eat means having to get a whole turkey or just the turkey breast, but at Trader Joe's they are selling a fully-cooked half turkey, which is the perfect compromise. I get my dark and white meat and I don't have to clear off a whole shelf in the frig to store it until Thursday.
So what are you doing for Thanksgiving and your other holiday meals? Share your answer in my poll below:

that is so cool they make 1/2 of turkey. Still too much for 2 people so I am making cornish hens. Ooh, speaking of which, I need to pull them out of the freezer. I hope that just making something small with not cause a flare up! have a good holiday!
I just bought my turkey bird today, I had to find a fresh one because it would never thaw in time for Thursday. How on earth did you do a turkey in the crockpot? I need to know this one!
Hey ladies, thanks for your comments. Mo, follow this link to read about cooking a turkey in the crockpot:
You need to use a small turkey, no more than 7 or 8 pounds. I found one at Whole Foods, a Diestel petite turkey (6 to 10 lbs.)
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