Deep down, I am a competitive person. I like to win, as I am sure everyone else does. So last April, when Cyndie and I started discussing writing and talked about challenging each other to a blog-a-day competition in May 2009, I jumped at the chance.
Nine months later, I am still going strong, writing posts on an almost a daily basis.
I am proud of myself for making blogging a daily habit. In retrospect, it seems that the blog-a-day challenge gave me the push I needed for developing a daily writing habit. With the help of Dragon Naturally Speaking, I've included writing and blogging into the category of fibro-friendly activities. I look forward to my writing time each and every day, and often find myself writing my posts in my head during my waking hours.
I also acknowledge the irony that without my chronic disabling illnesses, my writing aspirations may not have come to fruition.
Before my life with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, I got a lot of things done but didn't have a lot of free time due to full-time work and my career. Right now I no longer can participate in work and my career, which leaves me with time on my hands. I would love to occupy all this new found free time with all the pursuits I put off during my working days, but my body clearly will not cooperate!
In moments of remembrance and grief, I feel frustrated by how little I am able to accomplish in a day, a week and a month compared to my more able-bodied self of just five years ago. Yet, when I let go of the past and focus on the present, I find that with pacing and planning I can accomplish some things. As I look back on the last nine months, I enjoy the feeling of surprise at my discovery that writing can be one of my new accomplishments and wonder how far my writing pursuits will take me. If I pace and plan, could I write a book one day?
Yes, I thoroughly enjoy composing my daily blog posts and I hope my posts convey my new found passion for writing. I know I have a lot to learn about my new craft and acknowledge that it might take the rest of my life to master this new pursuit. It thrills me to think that each day I transfer my thoughts onto my computer screen I get a little bit closer to living my dream of being a writer.
Thank you, Cyndie, for challenging me to become a daily blogger despite my chronic illnesses.
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