
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Help Me Celebrate My Dad's Birthday

Novelty candles may be used.Image via Wikipedia

It is almost New Year's Eve, my Dad's birthday. He used to say he was always guaranteed a party on his birthday. Remembering this just now has brought a smile to my face.

I've been spending time these past few days thinking about him and recovering my memories of him. It has been five years since he died from complications of Alzheimer's disease. During his illness, it was as if I had lost my memory too--my memories of what my Dad was like before he got Alzheimer's. Fortunately for me, as the years pass and the memory of what Alzheimer's did to him fades, I find I can remember my Dad the way he used to be.

I put together this compilation of photographs of my Dad, beginning with his childhood in Illinois and ending with photos taken a few years before his passing. These photographs help me remember who my Dad really was. I just wish I had more photographs of him.

Help me celebrate my Dad's birthday by making a contribution to the Gerald E. Keerbs Memorial Fund benefiting the Alzheimer's Association. So far, my friends donated $130 to my cause. And don't forget that until the end of the year, which is just 3 days away, all donations to the Alzheimer's Association will be doubled by two generous donors who have come forward to provide matching funds. You can read more about this special campaign by clicking here.

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