
Monday, September 7, 2009

UCLA's Dr. Jackie Casillas is a World's Best Oncologist!

It was announced today that my entry into the Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month T-Shirt and Travel Mug Giveaway for survivors and their oncologists! won in the leukemia survivor and their oncologist category. So I will have the pleasure of presenting Dr. Jackie Casillas at the UCLA Livestrong Survivorship clinic a World's Best Oncologist travel mug (<--- pictured to the left.) I am so excited and honored!

I entered using the blog post I wrote in the month of June 2009 on My Heroes: UCLA Livestrong Survivor Specialists, Drs. Casillas and Ganz. As I have mentioned before, Dr. Casillas is my long-term cancer survivorship specialist ... in fact, I just had my yearly follow-up appointment with her this past Friday, 9/4.

I just sent Dr. Casillas an email letting her know that we won, and posted a note on the Healthy Lives After Cancer: Young Adult Survivorship Program Facebook page. As an added bonus, both Dr. Casillas and I will be interviewed for an upcoming story featured on the Blood Cancer Examiners webpage at Examiner.com. I will share that story with you as soon as it is published. You can visit the webpage of the Blood Cancer Examiner by clicking here.

What a great way to start celebrating Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month, which is the month of September!

Visit the Hope & Dreams Online Store
to purchase your own Awareness Month t-shirt and gifts.

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