
Monday, December 20, 2010

Question of the Week: What Are Your Favorite Holiday Activities?

blue Christmas tree make with shopping carts
So after last week's crazy--dealing with a cold and then finding myself behind on doing everything--this week I seem to be starting in a better place.

I got my Hallmark ornament shopping/collecting done (thanks to help from eBay and my mother-in-law), went grocery shopping (in the rain), got all my gifts (thanks in part to Amazon.com) and even picked up little Theodor's doggy car sickness medication (also in the rain.)

This week, it's baking, cooking and figuring out what to do with 10 pounds of ham...

Oh yeah, and staying inside most of the time, because it's going to be raining, non-stop, for at least five days in a row.

But I digress...

So now that I am done panicking about being behind and worrying about the rain, I plan to move on to celebrating the holiday season this week. That means getting focused on the things I can and like doing this time of year. Time for fibro-friendly things like:
You see, living with chronic illness doesn't have to take all the Ho, Ho, Ho! out of your holidays. A little bit of re-focusing and swapping simple, nourishing activities for busy, energy-draining ones and you can have yourself a merry little Christmas too.

So now I am wondering what your favorite, fibro-friendly holiday activities are. Leave a comment here or head over to the Oh My Aches and Pains! Facebook page and share your answer to this week's question.

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Felicia Fibro said...

I agree, I've got plenty of holiday cheer (or "ho, ho, ho", as you said), even though I'm hurting! I'm glad to hear you're feeling more caught up and better about the holidays this week!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching my favo(u)rite holiday movies and tv shows such as Rudolph, Olive the Other Reindeer, the original Dr. Seuss Grinch, A Christmas Carol (Alistar Sim and the Muppet version).
Sounds like, dispite the rain, you are in the holiday spirit!

Migrainista said...

Using only Christmas lights and candles throughout the holiday season is my favorite migraine friendly activity this time of year. The low dispersed light is very kind to the eyes.