Remember my recent post My Dream Job? Well it turns out that it got the attention of Nakia at the National Disability Institute. She sent me a very nice email which I want to share with you:
Hi Selena,
I just read your blog post about (your) dream job. It's a dream that many Americans with Disabilities share, and an unfortunate reality that job placement for people with disabilities is sub par.
I work for an organization called the National Disability Institute and we are holding a video contest this month where we are asking Americans with Disabilities to share their "American Dream". I think the narrative you created for that blog post would be a great entry.
The website with all the information on the contest is You can also contact me directly if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Nakia Matthews
National Disability Institute
1667 K Street, NW - Suite 640
Washington, DC 20006
Join NDI and the Real Economic Impact team on the Web!
So all I can think about is making a video. I have no idea where to start, but I have the whole weekend to start brainstorming...
And it goes without saying that you should think about submitting your own video too! I want you to join me in recording, saving and submitting a video to the Defining the New American Dream contest. Click the link below to get all the details:
Find out more about our video contest: Economic Empowerment-Defining the New American Dream. Grand prize: $1000 and a trip to Washington DC! Submissions due no later than August 13, 2010.
Got any ideas for my video? Let me know and I'll add them to my brainstorming list. Then watch for my video to pop up here and on YouTube before August 13th. Oh, and wish me luck!
1 comment
I have to say that I love the idea of making a video! Traveling to Washington if I won? Not so much......
I loved the post on your Dream Job! It was spot on, Selena!!!
(how did you get the orange bar?? That's cool!!)
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