
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

OMA&P! featured in the Grand Rounds Blog Carnival

Wow, I am actually part of Grand Rounds, a medical blog carnival with doctors, patients and other health care commentators, oh my! This is very cool (virtual) company indeed. And the post that is featured is Not Feeling Like a Lady in the Doctor's Office, which I have to admit has had me chuckling ever since I posted it on Sunday--just in time to be included in this blog carnival. Pretty good work, in my humble opinion, considering I was totally stumped about what to write when I first read that the theme for this edition was ladylike.

Here is what Jenni at ChronicBabe.com, the host for this edition of Grand Rounds, had to say about my post:

Let's Get Introspective

Selena of Oh My Aches and Pains! ponders the health care system, and how it's a lot like dating...and what it means to feel less than ladylike at the doctor's office.

So head on over to Grand Rounds Vol. 6 No. 31: So ladylike! and read all the featured posts. Be sure to leave these bloggers some nice comments too. Thanks to Jenni for including me.

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Hua said...

Hey Selena,

Congrats on being part of Grand Rounds!

I found your blog while searching for unique and helpful content on chronic illness. I think you could benefit from sharing your personal story to an audience of people seeking information on chronic illness. Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network (HBN) is comprised of over 3,000 of the web's best health writers, including doctors, patient experts and people pursuing healthy living.

For more information about joining, please visit http://www.wellsphere.com/health-blogger or email me at hua [at] wellsphere [dot] com.



Director of Blogger Networks

Selena said...

I actually am already part of the Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network (HBN) and you can find me there through this link: http://www.wellsphere.com/userProfile.s?id=180807.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. :-)