I am so honored to receive the The Fabulous Sugar Doll Blogger Award from Dot and FibroMom at Fibroworld. I love their blog, especially Dot's hippo cartoons, and I am touched that they find my blog interesting and enjoyable too. Thank you so much Dot and FibroMom!
In accepting the Sugar Doll Award award, I agree to list 10 things you may not know about me and then pass the award onto fellow bloggers that I love to read.
- I was a member of the YMCA swim team in grade school and breaststroke was my specialty.
- I participated in Girl Scouting, from Brownies to Seniors, and received the First Class Award (the highest award given in 1978) as a Cadette Girl Scout when I was in 8th grade.
- I excelled at selling Girl Scout cookies and YMCA Christmas tree tickets door-to-door and won a ten speed bike and a portable black and white TV for being a top salesperson.
- I developed a very successful babysitting business in junior high and high school, which kept me busy earning money almost every weekend.
- I hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again as a teenager with my family.
- I paid my own way through college and graduate school at UCLA.
- I was a paid employee of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee in the Accreditation Department and had a wonderful time working for them. Our motto was: We don't need no stinking badges!
- I traveled alone to Greece and Turkey the summer of 1990 to celebrate receiving my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology.
- I bought my home in 1994 before I started dating my husband, thus proving that women who own houses attract spouses.
- I answered a question correctly at Sea World San Diego and was invited to go behind the scenes at the penguin enclosure where I got to pet a penguin.
(drum roll please)
- Renee at Renee's Reflections
- Sherlock at Sherlock's Stuff
- Miranda at Dysautonomia: My Journey, My Battle, My Victory, My Life
- Teresa at ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥
- Maureen (my lucky #13 blog follower!) at Mo is blogging…I think
Please check out FibroWorld and my five fabulous award winners. Thanks again to Dot and FibroMom for giving me my very first blogging award.
Oh, Selena, I am SO very humbled and honored that you have chosen me for this very special award! You are so, so sweet and I can not thank you enough for thinking of me!
I sent you an email of thanks just now. Please check your inbox. :0)
I hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
Teresa <><
You are welcome Teresa! You are a Fabulous Sugar Doll blogger too!
Selena, Fibro Mom and I just love these 10 fun facts about you - your list is just amazing! The Sugar Doll Award gave us an opportunity to see a really pesonal and accomplished side of you that is totally unrelated to chronic pain and illness. You and I have something in common - I, too, was a competive swimmer growing up. My favorite race was the individual medley. Thanks so much for doing such a great job accepting the award!
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