As I am writing this, I can smell all the good food cooking away in my crockpots: a turkey breast with veggies and potatoes in one and a crockpot apple pie in the other. Hubby and I are watching the Thanksgiving parade and various football games on TV while my pups are snuggled up with me on the couch. It's a sunny and nice day here in Los Angeles, not too cold and not too hot.
It's the perfect time to reflect on the top ten things I'm feeling thankful for this Thanksgiving Day 2012:
10. |
All the blessing the Universe bestows on me despite chronic illness, plus the knowledge that chronic illness can't take those things away from me, ever. |
9. |
My wonderful pet therapy crew who spent a lot of time with me this year on the couch napping. |
8. |
Improved use of my hands courtesy of dual carpal tunnel surgery last year. It is easier to use the computer and craft now. |
7. |
Learning how important container gardening is to me: it is my exercise, my relaxation and a big source of fresh veggies in my diet. I wasn't able to garden at all during my Hep C treatment, but I will be able to resume soon and I can't wait! |
6. |
A new medication that truly helped me make it through Hep C treatment without a huge flare-up of my dysautonomia symptoms. |
5. |
All the new friends I have made this year via Facebook who are living with and battling Hepatitis C like me. |
4. |
All the old friends who continue to love and support me--you all know who you are. |
3. |
All the support I received from family, friends and health care providers during my Hep C treatment. Thank you! |
2. |
A wonderful hubby who really stepped it up this year, providing me with daily support when Hep C treatment knocked me down. |
1. |
Successfully making it through 6 months of Hepatitis C treatment and continuing to test HCV negative! (see the latest results from 11/11/12 below) |
3 month post-treatment viral load |
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