
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Feel the Fear & Then Do It Anyway

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday,
where the focus is on visual images.

Inspiring Words, number 8
Wondering what you can do with all my Inspiring Words images?  Here is a suggestion from my friend Kathy that reminded me of the power of these pictures:

Get some Post It notes and make affirmations to...remind yourself that you can do it! (Place them) on the bathroom mirror, bedside lamp, fridge and other places that (are highly visible to) you. The goal is to convince yourself, even when it seems daunting, that you can do this. The more you see, read and repeat these, the more it anchors in your brain and the more power you give yourself. Don't underestimate the power of your brain!!! This is (as much) emotional, mental and spiritual as (it is a) physical effort.
I found these fab 3M 4" X 6" Post-it Sticky Picture Paper notes at Amazon.com which make printing out my images and following Kathy's advice super easy.

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1 comment

Pam said...

Just wanted to pop in and let you know that someone near and dear to me is going through the same treatment that you are. He will be done in about three weeks. He's cleared the virus and has had problems with red blood cells and a rash from the topavir but otherwise, doing well. They were able to cut down the interferon and still he is doing well in conquering the virus. I was thinking about you as he said his doctor told him that they think in the near future interferon will be cut from the regimen. I hope you're hanging in there. I'm rooting for you.
