
Friday, January 14, 2011

Do Good: Get Involved with Love Drop

St. Valentine Day (water drops)Image by _Hadock_ via Flickr
I always enjoy letting you know about causes that need your support. Today I want to share about a brand new helping endeavor that needs your support and deserves kudos for doing
things differently.

Introducing Love Drop

Love Drop launched this month, structured as a sustainable for-profit company that just so happens to be in the business of doing good. To put it another way, they are creating a mi
cro-giving network. Rather than fund-raising, Love Drop asks those that can to pay to join their community, with monthly payments starting at just $1.

As a member of the community, you can suggest candidates for the monthly Love Drop and get access to lots of members-only goodies and perks on the website.

So What Does Love Drop Do?

Plain and simple, they mobilize a community to help people in need. They use the membership contributions to purchase the good and services the chosen monthly recipient needs. Then
they literally show up on their doorstep and help out, providing encouragement, support and a connection to caring people along the way.

January's Love Drop Recipient

Meet Jill. She and her kids lost everything in a fire and are now homeless for a second time. Despite all the adversity, she still finds a way to
continue to give back.

I encourage you to visit the Love Drop website and learn more about this unique approach to giving and helping others. While there, you can learn more about all the ways you can get involved, including joining the Love Drop street team and blogger network like I did.

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