Ready to take the plunge! |
Over the past 8 years, chronic illness has taken a huge toll on me. It has affected my ability to do most things, including socialize and keep in touch with friends as much as I would like.
But maybe that could change...
You see, I'm followed my Mayo Clinic doctor's advice and I am about to start treating my chronic Hepatitis C infection. I summoning all my strength and rising to the challenge. After all, Hep C is the one chronic illness I might actually have a chance of getting rid of, if the rigorous 24 week treatment is successful.
But I won't kid you: this isn't going to be easy. And that is where you come in, because right now I need all the support I can get.
If you can, won't you please consider becoming a member of the Selena's Hep C Treatment Supporters event I created at SignUp Genius? You'll be committing to sending me some words of encouragement via email, my blog, Facebook or Twitter on one of the 168 days of my treatment.
Click here to learn more:

I am using this free online service to make my request super easy for you. SignUp Genius will send you a reminder of your support mission the day beforehand and allow you to share this event with your family and friends on Facebook and Twitter if you want to be a mega supporter (see below.)
In return, for each support mission you complete, I'll be entering your name into a drawing for some cool stuff from my new Etsy and CafePress stores (which I'm so excited to be starting up in the next few months.) This drawing will be my way to say "thanks" to my supporters and celebrate the end of my treatment.
While I am asking ... consider being a super supporter by signing up for more than one day or a mega supporter by encouraging your family and friends to participate too. Anyone with a kind heart that wants to volunteer to support me is welcome, even if I don't know them personally.
Thank you for considering my request. I know how busy you all are managing your health, families, work and everything else in your lives. Taking your time to support me is quite a precious gift, one that I will appreciate for years to come. Anything you can do to lift my spirits would be beyond totally awesome.
My hope is if I am able to beat Hep C I can regain some of the functioning this chronic illness has taken from me, so I can get back out there, everyday, like a normal, healthy person.
Wish me good luck for a treatment with small side effects and huge benefits! I get started this Thursday, February 23 around 7 PM.

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