
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Question of the Week:
What Are Some of Your Comforts and Joys?

I'm back from the long holiday weekend, a weekend which I both enjoyed and overdid it with too much activity.  The over-activity resulted in my quest to get a whole bunch of things done before I go back for round two of carpal tunnel surgery November 30...which is tomorrow!

So before I become inconvenienced by the restricted use of my left hand, I wanted to get these things done:
  • bed linens changed
  • cat litter boxes changed out
  • dogs bathed
  • outdoor holiday lights put up
  • homemade gift for a holiday gift exchange completed and ready for mailing  

The good news is that I got these things all done, several with lots of help from my hubby.  The bad news is that I paying for it now.  And, of course, I can't take my usual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications right now since I am in a seven day lockout period leading up to my surgery.

Ho hum!

So my mini flare-up, pre-surgery anxiety and the upcoming holidays have got me feeling quite frazzled.  But then listening to Christmas music over the few past days got me thinking about my comforts and joys.  You know, those little things we do for ourselves that help calm us down, soothe us and create a time-out from our chaotic lives.

Which is a good thing right now, since I could use all the comfort and joy I can get to help me get through the next several days.

One of my favorite go-tos is a warm cup of tea, especially this time of year.  I am really enjoying Taylors of Harrogate Yorkshire and Spiced Christmas teas, as well as Mighty Leaf Tea Company's Lychee Black Tea and Decaf Acai Pomegranate Black Tea.  I sweeten my tea with Truvia brand stevia no-calorie sweetener, which really helps to bring out the fruit flavors in my Might Leaf loose leaf teas.

I also broke down and purchased an electric heated throw blanket.  Fall and Winter weather, even here in sunny Southern California, tends to get me all flared up, so having a nice, warm blanket with gentle heat helps keep the aches and pains at bay.  I've also discovered that my new blanket is quite the pet magnet, attracting both my dogs and cats to come join me for a snooze in the recliner.

So what are some of your comforts and joys?  What do you fall back on when things get hectic and out-of-control?  What little things help nurture you and create an opportunity to pause?

Please share your answers at the Oh My Aches and Pains! Facebook page or here in the comment section.

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