
Friday, September 24, 2010

Explain Your Pain: An Interview with ChronicBabe Jenni Prokopy

Tuesday morning brought a great opportunity to me. I participated in a telephone interview with Jenni Prokopy of ChronicBabe.com about the new Explain Your Pain educational program sponsored by the HealthyWomen.org website. Today I get to share this interview with you, my readers, and encourage you to visit the Explain Your Pain website for articles, videos and Q&A's that will help you learn to better cope with the daily challenges of living with fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

I visited the Explain Your Pain website and found these resources really helpful:
  1. the Check-Up Checklist with tips about explaining your pain to your health care provider
  2. the Q&A about sharing your fibromyalgia diagnosis with your family and friends
  3. the video Fibromyalgia: 4 tips for healthy living
Be sure to leave a comment here with your feedback about this educational campaign so I can pass the information along to Jenni and the HealthyWomen.org team.

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1 comment

My Life Works Today! said...

Great job, Selena~ the right questions!