
Monday, September 10, 2012

Invisible Illnesses, Visible Hope

Today is the beginning of National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week and I am blogging, or rather vlogging, in support of this great cause.

The theme this year is:  Got An Invisible Illness?  Share your images of Visible Hope!  Which is where the vlogging comes in...

I put together images of myself from the past 8 years, during which time I have been disabled by my chronic, invisible illnesses.

I can honestly say that I have done everything I could to try and "get better" over the last 8 years. Ultimately, I learned that my doctors and other health professional could not do that for me.  Rather than be bitter or angry, I worked hard to accept this as my current reality.  That helped me switch my focus to managing my illnesses the best I could using the self-help measures I learned at the online CFIDS and Fibromyalgia Self Help program.

Today my number one priority is to do the very best job I can to take care of myself so my illnesses don't prevent me from doing the things I can do.

That doesn't mean that I have given up hope!  I still believe that one day I will feel better.  I am confident that some smart researcher will discover better medications to manage my symptoms so I can live with less pain and less fatigue.

Until then, I continue to do what I have been doing in earnest over the last 5 years: learning to live my best life despite chronic illness and inspiring you to do the same.

This is Selena (on the right.)
She lives with invisible chronic illnesses.
Her doctors can't make her better,  so she tries to live her best life despite her invisible chronic illnesses.
Her illnesses have disabled her for the past 8 years, but she still hopes one day she will feel better. 
Her hope is visible when she smiles!

Click this image to learn about the 5 day virtual conference at InvisibleIllnessWeek.com.

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