I hate to say this, but 2011 is not my year.
The latest proof: instead of having fun at the Blogher 11 conference in San Diego, which took place last Friday and Saturday, I spent my Friday waiting for the plumber and hoping he could get my shower drain working again so I wouldn't be ankle-deep in water when I bathe. Then I spent time Saturday cleaning the bathroom, because you know contractors are professionally obligated to leave a mess behind where ever they go.
What a hellish exercise that was. It only served to remind me that I really, really, really need to find the money so I can hire a maid. Here money, money, money....
Of course, part of the problem for me is the whole Blogher way of doing things.
I missed out on purchasing tickets early at a significant discount, which pretty much ensured I wasn't going to be able to financially afford to go. I missed out because I just can't seem to navigate the Blogher website in any kind of logical fashion, so I miss announcements regularly. And since there isn't a disabled persons discount, like the offered student discount, I need to buy early just to be able to go.
Plus I just don't get how I can participate at the Blogher website. I feel like the dumpy-looking girl stuck in line at the hot club while all the cute chicks are allowed to cut in front of me, waved inside by the bouncer. I've been lead to believe that there are some pretty amazing things going on in there, but I don't have the golden ticket, magic key, secret password or whatever it is you need to gain admission.
Oh and yes, I have signed up for an account there. But then I didn't know what else to do. I also let them know I was interested in the Blogher advertising network a long time ago but I haven't heard anything from them.
While I was waiting for the plumber, I tried to find the features from the conference that were going to be posted on the Blogher website so I could participate vicariously, but I just couldn't find them either.
You know, maybe this is just a sign that Blogher isn't for me.
I mean, I am a patient blogger, not a mommy blogger or a fashion blogger or a food blogger. The kind of advertisers Blogher attracts aren't really speaking to the my niche audience, not to mention that my niche isn't exactly a consumer powerhouse. My readers and I don't have a lot of disposable income for things like expensive blogging conference tickets, travel, hotel and meals out. Not only do we not have a lot of cash, we patient bloggers aren't making a lot of money blogging either. For us, it more of a labor of love than a way to supplement our Social Security checks.
Still, it would have been nice to get me some swag like all the ladies did last weekend. That is, nice until I realized what it would have taken to get it. See the mystique of the Blogher conference made me temporarily forgot how energy-sucking it is trying to navigate crowds, being in uncomfortable positions all day (what healthy folk refer to as standing, sitting and walking) and dealing with blasting AC or the absence thereof (because we sick chicks are very temperature temperamental even in mild and sunny San Diego.)
The more likely end result? I would have overdone it completely so that by the end the conference I'd be all flared up and desperate to get home.
Wonder if there were ruby slippers in that swag bag?
Ironically, I got myself all flared up anyway because I had to clean the bathroom. But at least I got to rest on the couch afterwards, sleep in my own bed and get up whenever I wanted to the next day. Which ultimately made me appreciate that sometimes there really is nothing better than just staying home.
*Deep breath* *Looking around furtively*
You didn't miss much. If you're not a mommy blogger or a mommy at all, there's not much for you at BlogHer. *Everything* was geared toward moms, including much of the swag. And the amount of energy I had to pour into being social with people who mostly aren't my tribe was enormous. Definitely flare-inducing.
I spent a *lot* of money doing BlogHer, and frankly it was not worth it and I wish I had the money back.
I'd love to chat with you sometime about how to travel on the ultra-cheap. Wishing you a pain-minimal day.
Finally someone Who gets me!! My friends Live in London and Madrid and Know The Best people, and I! Live in Texas and I'm sick and Don't have Many friends Here in My City.. and Being a blogger is fun! But what If You don't have a AWESOME Life to Blog about me?? What do I DO!! I'm making My own FUN and Doing more! and Pushing myself to Do more!! and Hence I'm in a Boat load of pain. :| SO what should I do?? Well, Just Live LIFE! even It's Boring!! because It's Our life even if we are sick!! we can do it and Have Our FUN!! and make Jokes about Sickness That one else gets But US!!
XOXO & God Bless!
Selena, I would never even consider going to something like Blogher. I would never make it through the day, and I would be stressing myself out for spending the money and not being able to do anything. Plus, I don't do well in crowds. Sorry about your plumbling problems. Last time I had a clogged drain I tried pouring all kinds of crap down it, and plunging...and I just made it worse.
Hope you are feeling good and your drains are flowing free!
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